What Can Nurturing & Pedigree Tell You About a Dog?
Join Project 2 Heal Founder/CEO Charlie Petrizzo for a lesson on the importance of breeding Labrador Retrievers to become service dogs. With so much depending on both the nurturing...
Join Project 2 Heal Founder/CEO Charlie Petrizzo for a lesson on the importance of breeding Labrador Retrievers to become service dogs. With so much depending on both the nurturing...
If you’re reading this article you’ve likely been wondering, “What exactly is PTSD?” Let’s start with a specific definition. American Psychiatric Association defines post traumatic...
You better practice your golf putting, chipping, and driving, because Putt for Pups is almost here! We’re so excited to host our 9th annual Putt for Pups charity golf tournament on...
When it comes to choosing a breed of dog for service dog work most dog trainers would agree that Labrador retriever puppies would be their first choice. It is the breed's willingne...
When it comes to trained companion animals, a few terms are commonly confused. While each of terms refers to something similar, there are distinct differences between them. Let’s t...
Transforming People's Lives with Service Dogs
"I have had Baxter for around 7 years now. I was exploring different options that would allow me to live independently without my parents, so I could go to college. We found Project 2 Heal and I volunteered there for around a year and a half before receiving Baxter! He has been my constant companion. He came with me my senior year of high school and walked accross the stage then too. He lived in the dorms with me, came to every single class I went to and every work shift in the library. He’s definitely ready to retire as a porch dog now."
Jillian with Baxter
"With my service dog Frankie in my life, I’m never alone and the more severe symptoms happen less and less. She is my battle buddy. She comes with me everywhere and she is watching out for me. I must remain healthy to observe her and respond to her needs as we navigate life together. In return she helps me carry some of the weight from my rucksack."
Val with Frankie
"I didn't find P2H; they found me." It was a couple of weeks after the passing of my older brother that I received a phone call from a childhood friend, a member of the Petrizzo family, who informed us that they were sponsoring a puppy from Project 2 Heal in his honor.
As someone who grew up working with dogs and alongside veterinarians through high school and college, and with the love I have for the Labrador Retriever breed, I felt compelled to learn more about P2H. I soon began to understand and become passionate about their mission. It played a role in helping me deal with my grief during a very sad time in my life. It amazed me that before "Mikey" even began his journey of training to help someone in need, he had already started helping me. This was special, and I wanted to contribute in some small way. I added P2H to my list of organizations that truly save lives, whether it be through a fundraising cruise or my small monthly donation that keeps us reminded of special organizations like this."
Joe B.
“We spent a lot of time searching for the right organization and were thrilled to discover Project 2 Heal. Their impact on veterans in need is truly remarkable. Receiving updates about Prince has been the highlight of our experience. We love how they keep us involved throughout the process—it’s heartwarming to see the difference we’re helping make.”
Linda C.
“As the first anniversary of my husband's passing approached, I wanted to dignify this great loss with some positive tribute to him. One of Ray's great loves was animals, especially horses and dogs. Ray also gave generously to Veteran's organizations. By chance, a dear trusted friend from NC had a connection to P2H since its beginnings. He strongly recommended the organization to me as just what I was looking for. I now have the great joy and privilege of following Ray's precious "Fraulein" on video cam 24 hours a day as she grows into a beautiful service dog, along with her adorable six brothers and sisters. It is a priceless experience... and one I will repeat. Watching on my phone each day, I marvel at the dedication of the people who make this service dog journey possible. Somewhere my husband is laughing with every wag of Fraulein's tail!”
Judy C.