
Puppy Raising Program Application

Puppy raisers play a vital role in the development of future service dogs and a well socialized puppy will have fewer adjustments to make when it moves on to formal service dog training. Puppy raisers are responsible for the daily care of the puppy, house behavior training, obedience training, and socialization. With the support of Project 2 Heal (P2H) staff, puppy raiser volunteers will receive ongoing support and guidance throughout the puppy raising process.

Puppies need to accompany raisers regularly outside of the home/neighborhood at least 3x per week. A list of acceptable places to socialize the puppy will be available in the Puppy Raising Manual. Puppy raisers are required to attend our monthly meetings which allow the puppies to interact with other dogs, practice obedience commands, and receive guidance from our professional trainers. If raisers are unable to make the scheduled monthly meeting, they are asked to come to our training center for a general check in at their earliest convenience.

Puppies will be placed with volunteer raisers between 8 weeks and 6 months of age (depending on the raiser and available dogs) and will be returned for formal training at 12-14 months of age. P2H will cover all associated costs for each puppy (i.e. crate, food, toys, collar, leash, veterinary expenses, medications, etc.)

Puppy Raiser Requirements

  • Application approval by our Director of Operations, which includes a phone consultation and attendance at a puppy club meeting.
  • Ability to care for and physically manage a large breed dog. Labrador Retrievers can reach 60+ lbs. at maturity.
  • Ability to follow instructions, pay attention to detail, work independently in a structured environment, and work well with others during group classes.
  • Provide a safe home environment and be willing to provide off-leash/long line free running and exercise for the puppy in enclosed, appropriate areas.
  • Provide a variety of surfaces for puppy to leash relieve (grass, concrete, mulch, gravel)
  • Provide appropriate food, maintain a healthy weight, and provide daily grooming
  • Keep the puppy healthy and up to date on vaccinations, administer flea/tick preventative and any medications as advised by the program manager.
  • Complete monthly puppy reports in a timely manner and be available to discuss any problem behaviors with trainers or managers.
  • Attend and participate in required monthly classes and/or private lessons
  • Communicate openly and promptly with the trainers and managers.

    *The above list of requirements is not inclusive. Puppy raisers are required to follow all additional instructions, guidelines, policies and procedures outlined by Project 2 Heal.

Applicant Information
